Thursday, September 25, 2008


Good morning AND HAVE A GREAT DAY!
This is me last Saturday trying to raise my weaker leg and stand on one foot – today I am completely back to normal (I’m trying really hard to talk slow in all this excitement – sorry everyone at work!). I’m on Day 2 of 5 of radiation today. Had a great day yesterday – working on training a big part of my job to Christine. Went to radiation in Hamilton Juravinski Cancer Centre. It takes about 10 minutes – no pain, quick in and out. They nicely scheduled my appointments for the end of the day and I didn’t even have to ask!!

Galatians 5: 22-25
I’m reading about 9 ways to grow spiritual fruit (from the Power of a Praying Women Bible) I’ll share 3.
#1 Plants seeds of love. Ask God to plant His love in you in such a profound and powerful way. So that His love will flow through you to others.
#2 Plant seeds of joy – Joy has nothing to do with your circumstances. You can have joy in spite of difficult and painful problems because joy comes from God.
#3 Plant seeds of peace – pray that the presence of God in your life will provide peace beyond comprehension.

p.s. Pray for our son Brad who will be leaving on a 2 week trip to the Middle East in October.



Anonymous said...

Hey Jocelyn - wishing you God's love and strength as you proceed with treatments. We're holding you up everyday in our prayers. Have a great day. Blessings; Pete and Lorraine, Christine and Daniel, Brian and Karina, Kaitlyn and Devin, and Darren

Anonymous said...

Jocelyn you look fabulous! So happy to hear you are doing well after your surgery. We have you in our daily thoughts and prayers. We will add Brad to our list of prayers. May the Lord bless you with courage and strength and peace. Love, Bryan and Janette.

Anonymous said...

You make me laugh!! I saw you for 2 minutes this morning, but you sure pack a lot of info into that 2 minutes!! You look fabulous with your new figure and your trendy new clothes! I look forward to talking with your for more than 2 minutes again soon. Are you up for a power walk again sometime??
Love, Vicky

Anonymous said...

Hi Jocelyn, I got your blog address from Trudy. It`s a great way to keep everyone informed with your progress.
I am so happy to hear you are doing well. You have a great positive attitude and your faith to keep you going.
You look great!
I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Sending you love from Andy and Siska in St Thomas.