Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday, September 10th 10:00PM Update

Dr. Kathy Faber-Langendoen is a sister-in-law to John, she is a cancer specialist working out of Syracuse, New York. This afternoon Kathy had been in contact with Jocelyn's surgeon. This is what she had to share:

“Jocelyn had further tests today in preparation for her surgery, which is scheduled for tomorrow morning. The surgeon plans on removing the spot on her brain which is causing her symptoms. We are grateful for a surgeon who is a good communicator, and we pray for a good outcome.

Many of you are asking “What’s next?” Right now, our focus is on getting safely through the surgery, with the hope that Jocelyn feels better once she recovers. The doctors are in the process of figuring out if the cancer has spread elsewhere. Once that is known, decisions can be made about what kind of further treatment (radiation and/or chemo) might be useful.

We continue to be sustained by your prayers and encouragement.”



Anonymous said...

Jocelyn, John & Family: We will certainly uphold you, the family and especially the Team of Surgeons in our prayer today. Bill and Ann

Anonymous said...

Jocelyn and family our prayers and thoughts are with you. May God grant you everything you stand in need of. Brian and Jackie Boekestyn

Anonymous said...

Dear John and Jocelyn and the rest of the family,

Our thoughts are with you. Thank you for making this blog, it is a wonderful way to keep everybody update with your battle. May God give you strenghts and peace. Take Care. Kind Regards, Frits Pannebakker